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- «s6=166,227,181»
- «s7=191,206,254»
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- «c1»By Zerox/Gods«»
- «»
- «»
- «»
- «as»«c6»As a short introduction, please tell the readers a few words about
- yourself, your function and what you want to achieve in the scene?«»
- «»
- «c7»I was born in 1978, and my real name is Remi Johan Pedersen. At the moment
- I'm the only active coder in Spaceballs, and I've also been organizing the
- group since the summer of 1997.«»
- «»
- «c6»When did you enter the scene and how did you first get attracted to it?«»
- «»
- «c7»When I got my first c64 in 1989 it didn't take long before I got hold of
- some demos, but eventhough they were interesting, I never got the idea to
- try to make some on my own. When I got my a500 early in '92 I had already
- seen lots of amigademos on my friends machines (the ones I remember the
- most are some of Kefrens megademos and the Budbrain demos ofcourse). The
- first 3 demos i copied after i got the a500 was Silents's "Global Trash",
- Razor1911's "Voyage" and Spaceballs' "Spasmolytic".
- As I'm from Halden, the same town as most of the founding members of
- Spaceballs, I quickly got a lot of info about the scene, and when I
- started to code assembler early '93 I got lots of help&hints from Major
- Asshole and Lone Starr. My first scenegroup was Cadaver which I joined as
- a coder early in '94, and I stayed there (doing nothing) untill I joined
- Spaceballs in march 1995, while I was was working together with Major
- Asshole on "The Last Finger" which got second in the 64k-compo at that
- years The Gathering.«»
- «»
- «c5»«ac»GROUPS«»
- «»
- «as»«c6»What do you think are the good and bad sides of your group?«»
- «»
- «c7»As I'm the organizer I'm ofcourse satisfied with almost everything about
- our group. Well, seriously I think it's really nice that the general
- "mood" of the group is very relaxed and that noone is expected to do
- anything if they don't feel like it. We're one big happy family where
- everyone are friends, and I feel we can have fun together in a
- "non-computer-based" way (which means that we can booze together as well
- as do demos...).«»
- «»
- The only bad thing i see about the group is that most (all) of us live
- quite far from eachother, and therefore close cooperation is quite
- difficult (eventhough it's easier now than in the days when all contact
- was based on mailswapping).«»
- «»
- «c6»As you're the organizer of Spaceballs, how important do you think it is
- for a group to have a good organizing and real friendship between the
- members? Is it important at all?«»
- «»
- «c7»Friendship is not a must to make good productions, but it improves the
- cooperation between the different people involved in the development, and
- it also makes it a lot more fun to party during/after the
- developmentperiod. I probably wouldn't get involved in a larger
- demoproject with someone I couldn't stand, but other people might be more
- diplomatic about it...«»
- «c6»What's your all-time favourite group? And why?«»
- «»
- «c7»Hmmm, my 3 favourites would be Sanity, Virtual Dreams and Spaceballs
- (before the silly sods let me into the group ofcourse)...«»
- «»
- Sanity because of their ability to produce pure coder-porn like "Elysium",
- "Optimum Fuckup", "World of Commodore" etc etc, (and ofcourse because of
- Chaos' ultimate arrogance).«»
- «»
- Virtual Dreams for some of the same reasons: coding-skills and a
- tad of arrogance, mixed together with some good graphic- & music-talents
- and the fact that most of their prods scored very high on the
- oh-so-important "in your face"-scale.«»
- «»
- Spaceballs simply because their productions were so different from most of
- the other stuff released in the period 92-94.«»
- «»
- «c6»What's the next release we'll see from Spaceballs AFTER the Kindergarden
- and TRSAC parties?«»
- «»
- «c7»Hehehehe, that's way too far into the future for us to plan. Probably
- some crap made in 2 days, just to win some money somewhere...«»
- «»
- «c5»«ac»CODING«»
- «»
- «as»«c6»You've released quite some releases in the past. What's your favourite
- own-made production?«»
- «»
- «c7»The ones I enjoy the most are not necessarily the ones with the best
- code or design, but rather prods like Smurph (the first time I won a
- democompo), Art by coincidence (the first time I made something with
- atleast some acceptable design) and Sparklingbluearcticlight (coded during
- my brilliant holiday in Finland 1999). I guess the "winner" here must be
- Supermonster because I still remember how hard I worked on it (the week it
- was developed), because of some of the design-parts which I'm still
- satisfied with, and because of the reactions it got from a lot of people
- (eventhough A LOT of people disliked it too...).«»
- «»
- «c6»Tell us about your favorite production made by others?«»
- «»
- «c7»One of my all-time favourites is Closer from CNCD. The effects were
- cutting edge when it was released (and effects haven't evolved much further
- since 1995, so a lot of them are still 'copied' today), the graphics were
- great and the music by Groo is one of the best demotunes ever.«»
- «»
- «c6»Is there an effect you've seen from other coders which you know you would
- never manage to make?«»
- «»
- «c7»Some of the productions by Chaupple/Contraz have incredibly weird bugs I'd
- never be able to copy.«»
- «»
- «c6»What's the most impressive routine you've ever seen? And what's your
- favourite coder?«»
- «»
- «c7»Chaos/Sanity is without doubt the best democoder ever on amiga (and he
- made sure that everyone else were told about it too). I guess that the most
- impressive effect I've seen must have been one of his, but I can't single
- out one in particular.«»
- «»
- «c6»Do you think it's ok to include animations in demos/intros?«»
- «»
- «c7»Definitely. As long as it looks cool I don't care what it is.«»
- «»
- «c6»What do you think about nowadays demos? And what do think about the 3d
- trend?«»
- «»
- «c7»The quality of the scenereleases is as it's always been. A lot of the
- stuff that's released is uninteresting & badly designed crap, while some
- prods are really nice. The biggest difference between todays releases and
- the ones we got 5-10 years ago is that the total amount is much lower, so
- naturally there's a lot fewer quality-releases. All in all I think the
- percentage of good releases is about the same as it's always been.
- When it comes to the so-called "3d trend" it's something that's lasted
- since the early nineties, and I can't see that much has changed. Most
- groups release boring stuff that's been done thousands of times before.
- Some groups with skilled coders release boring stuff that's been done
- thousands of times before, only this time it runs a bit faster. And
- finally, a small minority manages to do something that's a bit different,
- or atleast such a great speed- / technicality-improvement that it's fun to
- watch...«»
- «»
- «c6»How do you create a demo? Is there a special way you prefer to produce it?
- Like first getting a module/gfx, then get the idea or opposite?«»
- «»
- «c7»Sometimes I get the idea for a design-concept from something I see on
- tv or in a magazine and then just try to come up with effects that I think
- would fit the overall "feeling" I try to achieve. Other times everything
- just seems to happen, and then I don't even know when the development of
- the demo started. Most of the time when I start on a production I have
- plans for lots of effects (or rather how I imagine they should look,
- something that never works out in the end), and eventhough the real coding
- of the demo only takes a couple of days, I might have been thinking about
- the parts for several months without writing anything down or starting on
- the code.«»
- «»
- My preferred way of making a demo would be to code all the effects first
- in a way that'd make it easy to link & design them, then cooperate
- closely with the musicians and graphicians to get everything perfect.
- This has never happened.«»
- «c6»With the demo PowerGod, you managed to win the Gathering party for the
- third time in a row. What do you like the most about that production?«»
- «»
- «c7»The wonderfull music from Teo&Teis together with the awesome graphics
- from Atom is what I really like about the demo. When it comes to the
- coding I'm quite satisfied with the first two parts, especially the green
- 3-layered zoomer. The rest of the parts are more or less variations of
- stuff I've done before, combined with a rather boring design. There are
- a couple of smart tricks here & there, but almost nothing you'd notice
- if you didn't try to code it yourself.«»
- «»
- «c6»At the Assembly party you released the 4k intro King Of Fuck, together
- with your "rival" group Ephidrena. Who came up with the idea
- for the coopeartion? Please tell the readers about the various effects
- and the making of this intro.«»
- «»
- «c7»I travelled together with Ephidrena to MekkaSymposium 2001 and on the
- ferry from Sweden to Germany I came up with the idea of a 4k-cooperation
- where Loaderror would make the music using his soundsystem and I would code
- the effects. Originally we planned to just throw something together at
- Mekka, but as Loaderror was working his ass of with their demo and I was
- rolling around in garbage most of the time, the project was postponed.
- After that nothing happened untill Loaderror and I had some beers together
- in Oslo in July and decided that it'd be fun to release it at Assembly and
- kick some pc-ass in the combined compo. Loaderror started on the music, and
- one weeks before assembly I received the finished music and discovered that
- I didn't have a clue about what kind of effects to put in the intro.
- "Normal" work combined with a total lack of inspiration made progress slow
- during the next days, but finally I had a z-buffered sphere-mapper and a
- sizeoptimized version of my radialblur-routine. Two days before the
- deadline I started to link everything together and also included a rotzoom
- and a small fractalgenerator. These four routines were then combined in all
- possible ways for the different parts. For a while it seemed like I wasn't
- going to get it finished in time, but thanks to flexible organizers (and
- drunk sceners like Leia, Arcane and Loaderror who phoned me up from Finland
- in the middle of the night shouting gibberish) everything worked out in the
- end.«»
- «»
- «ac»«c5»THE SCENE«»
- «»
- «as»«c6»Do you remember the first demo you saw and mag you read?«»
- «»
- «c7»I can't remember the first demo I ever saw, but the first mag I read on
- amiga was probably one of the later issues of Stolen Data.«»
- «»
- «c6»What do you think are the good and bad sides of the scene?«»
- «»
- «c7»Some of the good sides is that you can have fun, meet lots of nice
- people, and maybe even earn some money on your hobby. I can't think of any
- bad things, well maybe the fact that some of the people you meet are total
- bores, but that's the same almost anywhere...«»
- «»
- «c6»Do you have any special scene memory you want to share with the readers?«»
- «»
- «c7»Odyssey '95 was a nice experience eventhough very few people showed up
- and the organizer Walker/Noctural still has debts from it. Especially the
- wild competition where Dominei/Inf (who later also joined Spaceballs) and I
- got the 2nd prize (damn Contraz and their "0ksemannen"!!!!) with our
- sensual stripshow was an interesting experience.«»
- «»
- «c6»Well, it's time to find out what's your taste. What's your favorite:«»
- «»«al»
- «c6»SLOGAN : «c7»Grotesticle's "Vi er hyggelige, pene og lette å holde rene"«»
- «c6»SLIDESHOW : «c7»"Revelations" by Rank/Cryptoburners«»
- «c6»INTRO : «c7»"Darkroom" by Stellar«»
- «c6»DEMO : «c7»"Closer" by CNCD«»
- «c6»MUSICDISK : «c7»"Mirror" by Andromeda (it had everything except good music...)«»
- «c6»FRIENDLY TEAM : «c7»Zymosis Boozing Society«»
- «c6»MAG : «c7»RAW«»
- «c6»EDITOR : «c7»Lord Helmet/Spaceballs«»
- «»
- «as»«c6»And what do you think about the latest Amiga plans?«»
- «»
- «c7»I don't know anything about them at all.«»
- «»
- «c6»Do you picture yourself in the scene many many years from now?«»
- «»
- «c7»I think I might continue to visit sceneparties to meet old friends and
- have some fun from time to time even after I quit making demos.«»
- «»
- «c5»«ac»MAGS«»
- «»
- «as»«c6»What do you think about nowadays mags? Do you miss something?«»
- «»
- «c7»Well, first of all there's too few of them and thus you have to wait for
- ages between each time someone release a new issue of any of the good mags.
- Good interviews and other scenerelated articles is also something I miss in
- a lot of the mags today.«»
- «»
- «»
- «c5»«ac»REAL LIFE«»
- «»
- «c6»«as»What's your occupation?«»
- «»
- «c7»I'm a student, currently in my fourth year of studying to become a Civil
- Engineer in technical cybernetics.«»
- «»
- «c6»Thanks for spending alot of your time here answering these questions. Good
- luck with future plans... Now you can write whatever you would like, like
- greetings etc.«»
- «»
- «c7»Well, hupp&hopp to everyone I know, and everyone out there should visit
- Kindergarden (9-11 October)!!«»
- «»
- «c6»(That's too late now thanks to yet another D.I.S.C. delay. We have to keep
- our traditions... ;) Ed.).«»
- «»
- «e»